
Stephen Cowley, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Hiroshi Ishiguro, and Karl MacDorman organized "Toward Social Mechanisms of Android Science," the first android science workshop, at CogSci-2005 on 25 and 26 July 2005 in Stresa, Italy. The next android science workshop will take place at CogSci-2006 on 26 July 2006 in Vancouver, Canada.


Christian Keysers, Karl MacDorman, and Frank Pollick organized "Views of the Uncanny Valley," the first workshop related to the uncanny valley, at Humanoids-2005 on 3 December 2005.

      Discussing android science on the terrace of the
      Regina Palace Hotel. (25 July 2005)


      Sherry Turkle elucidates the ethical implications
      of relational objects. (25 July 2005)


      Hiroshi Ishiguro recapitulates some fundamental
      issues of android science. (25 July 2005)